Classical Christian School!

The Rock Classical Academy has replaced Flat Rock Classical Academy. This site will be updated or replaced soon. Thank you for your interest.

The Rock Classical Academy board of directors

Classical K-12 Education


Through carefully planned lessons, students will develop as independent learners who thrive academically and socially


Through the rigorous classical curriculum, students will develop deep knowledge in the four core disciplines.


The curricular focus on developing students’ moral foundation will result in engaged citizens who lead virtuous lives.


Just as America thrives on hard work and discipline, students will flourish in an environment of high expectations for effort and conduct.

American Values

A dedicated faculty and staff will teach a Classical Curriculum to fulfill The Rock Classical Academy’s mission of developing America’s finest citizens.

The Rock Classical Academy will develop students in mind and character through a rigorous, classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes academic fundamentals, virtuous living, and civic responsibility.